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New Melanoma Diagnosis-Stage1

Forums Cutaneous Melanoma Community New Melanoma Diagnosis-Stage1

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      I was recently diagnosed (via initial biopsy) with Melanoma. Just got back from my wide excision. The surgeon said that it was a Stage 1 (.3mm) and no further treatment/action was necessary. He said there was no need to do any lymph node testing. Will being seeing my dermatologist every 3 months for awhile. While I feel like shooting off fireworks, I am hesitant in believing everything I am told. Is there really no chance of lymph node involvement if melanoma was thin (.3mm)? I feel silly asking since so many people on this site are dealing with some really big issues but don't want to fast forward and find that the cancer spread. Thanks for any advice!

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          Lymph node testing isn't typically done for a 0.3mm lesion unless there are other higher risk factors.  Basically the risks of surgery are higher than the node positive risk.  Some institutions use 0.75mm and others use 1mm.  Your in the very low risk category.  Fireworks are good.  You can have your derm show you how to check your lymph nodes just to be on the proactive side.  Check them when you do your monthly self skin exam.  But otherwise, be sun safe and watch your other moles for CHANGE!


              Janner-thanks for the info! Most of my sun damage was in my "younger days" (under 30). The diagnosis certainly is a wake up call and  I will be checking moles (have lots) and ramping up my sun safety!


                Janner-thanks for the info! Most of my sun damage was in my "younger days" (under 30). The diagnosis certainly is a wake up call and  I will be checking moles (have lots) and ramping up my sun safety!


                  Janner-thanks for the info! Most of my sun damage was in my "younger days" (under 30). The diagnosis certainly is a wake up call and  I will be checking moles (have lots) and ramping up my sun safety!


                    Janner-thanks for the info! Most of my sun damage was in my "younger days" (under 30). The diagnosis certainly is a wake up call and  I will be checking moles (have lots) and ramping up my sun safety!


                      Janner-thanks for the info! Most of my sun damage was in my "younger days" (under 30). The diagnosis certainly is a wake up call and  I will be checking moles (have lots) and ramping up my sun safety!


                        Janner-thanks for the info! Most of my sun damage was in my "younger days" (under 30). The diagnosis certainly is a wake up call and  I will be checking moles (have lots) and ramping up my sun safety!


                        Lymph node testing isn't typically done for a 0.3mm lesion unless there are other higher risk factors.  Basically the risks of surgery are higher than the node positive risk.  Some institutions use 0.75mm and others use 1mm.  Your in the very low risk category.  Fireworks are good.  You can have your derm show you how to check your lymph nodes just to be on the proactive side.  Check them when you do your monthly self skin exam.  But otherwise, be sun safe and watch your other moles for CHANGE!


                          Lymph node testing isn't typically done for a 0.3mm lesion unless there are other higher risk factors.  Basically the risks of surgery are higher than the node positive risk.  Some institutions use 0.75mm and others use 1mm.  Your in the very low risk category.  Fireworks are good.  You can have your derm show you how to check your lymph nodes just to be on the proactive side.  Check them when you do your monthly self skin exam.  But otherwise, be sun safe and watch your other moles for CHANGE!

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