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name change

Forums General Melanoma Community name change

  • Post

      I’m just testing and discovered that I am now lhaley instead of Linda from Myrtle Beach.  That’s ok because we are officially moving from the beach next Wed.!!  

      This will take some time to get used to but it’s interesting seeing how many times a post has been viewed and how many are online. If one person views a post twice does it go down as one view or two?

      I just scanned downand saw that you can be alerted if people reply. That is a great addition!


      I’m just testing and discovered that I am now lhaley instead of Linda from Myrtle Beach.  That’s ok because we are officially moving from the beach next Wed.!!  

      This will take some time to get used to but it’s interesting seeing how many times a post has been viewed and how many are online. If one person views a post twice does it go down as one view or two?

      I just scanned downand saw that you can be alerted if people reply. That is a great addition!


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    • Replies

          Hi Linda,

          I think I can answer your question, I clicked on your post several times to test where it showed as more than one view and it didn’t so I think it only records the first time an individual clicks on the post. Good luck with your move.


          Take care, Carver


            The number of views is calculated by the number of times the page is viewed.  So if you go away from the page and then come back, it will count as 2 views.


                so,..if I open it every day to read new replies, it shows as a new view every time right?


                  Yes that is correct.  Every time you go into the page, it adds another view to the count.

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            About the MRF Patient Forum

            The MRF Patient Forum is the oldest and largest online community of people affected by melanoma. It is designed to provide peer support and information to caregivers, patients, family and friends. There is no better place to discuss different parts of your journey with this cancer and find the friends and support resources to make that journey more bearable.

            The information on the forum is open and accessible to everyone. To add a new topic or to post a reply, you must be a registered user. Please note that you will be able to post both topics and replies anonymously even though you are logged in. All posts must abide by MRF posting policies.