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mucosal melanoma recurrence in lymphnodes – Need help and Advice

Forums Mucosal Melanoma Community mucosal melanoma recurrence in lymphnodes – Need help and Advice

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      HI All,


      HI All,

      I had mucosal melanoma in Tongue in 2007 and my 2/3 of the tongue has been removed in the first surgery . I was under constant observation. I was cancer free for 5.5 years. in Jan 2013 melanoma has recurred again in my larynx area. . Now my entire Voice Box has been removed on Feb 6th 2013 during the second surgery. ImmunoHistoChemistry for C-KIT had done and it had come as positive in my specimen. My Consutant said there is no need to do C-KIT mutation and we could take the C-KIT inhibitor Imatinib oral tablet. I took Imatinib tablets for about a month.

      But still Melanoma has come back to me again in Right Side Level II and Level IV Lymphnodes within 3 months of my 2nd Surgery. I had undergone 3rd Surgery for the radical Neck Dissection of Lymphnodes. As per PET CT it has not spread to any other part of the body. But still it means I am moving to Stage III and have high possibility of getting into Stage IV. But I need your advice on how Can I come out of this Melanoma successfully as I have two young kids. Whether Inteferon would help or do we have any other better medicines or mechanisms to come out of this Successfully. How about  IL-2,  ipilimumab drugs. Will it help any way. Anybody had faced this before and had come out of Mucosal melanoma . Please share your experience and suggestions.

      I am based out of India but I am looking for an option to travel to US for treatment of this mucosal melanoma. Kindly share your advice and suggestions.




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