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Melanoma Questions

Forums Cutaneous Melanoma Community Melanoma Questions

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      I feel guilty posting on this board. I’m sorry, but I need some persepective on my issue.

      So 3 years ago I had a mole on my foot. It was blue, on my heel, solid, symmetrical, it looked like I stepped on a marker. Anyway, over a course of time it grew big. I didn’t witness this growth but I noticed it one day. I was in a panic. The mole grew bigger, and was now brown. I don’t know how, but it fell off. It more so peeled off. It left a perfect hole and regular skin was underneath. The hole healed up and never grew back. At the time I told some adults about this (I was about 12) and they reassured me I was fine. During the same time I made skin inspections noticing two ugly moles. One on the back of my arm and one on my lower back/love handle area.

      Ive been told I have had these for my whole life, and I believe that, but they’re ugly.

      Top: arm

      Bottom: back

      I also have worrying doupts on wether they have changed or not. I’ve been taking a record for the past 2 weeks and no change I believe. I’m going to a dermatologist in a unknown amount of time, possibly months. In the mean time I found out that swollen lymph nodes in your groin can mean melanoma, I’ve had one for 3 years (not that it appeared 3 years ago just that I’ve noticed). I also have one in my neck. Also, under my mole on my back I have a fatty lump that’s asymmetrical to the other side, yet again that’s been no there’s forever. The structure feels similar yet the one side feels bigger.

      I'm very concerned and as a minor there’s not a lot I can do for myself except wait.

      Anyways sorry for appropriating your forum ๐Ÿ™

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          The heel thing sound more like some type of plantar wart.  I've had something similar with a circular hole I peeled away.  Two ugly moles – just continue to monitor with pictures MONTHLY.  Any more often – difficult to distinguish change.  Lymph nodes that stay swollen are called reactive nodes.  They swell for some reason then never return to normal size.  Common and not problematic.  If they were melanoma, they wouldn't stay the same size.  As for the fatty lump, look up "lipoma".  Another common benign condition.  I think you're letting your imagination run away with you.  It's great to be informed and to watch your moles for change.  Seeing a dermatologist is a good step.  But I wouldn't be worrying too much at this point in time – it sounds like everything is under control.  Just continue to monitor the two ugly ones!


              Thanks for your response ๐Ÿ™‚ a lot of people have been telling me it might be a plantars wart but I had one on my other foot the whole summer and that was unmistakable. Do you think the foot thing sounds like melanoma? That’s what I’m worried about. 


                No.  Nothing you describe really sounds like melanoma.  Are you dark skinned?  Most acral melanoma (melanoma found on feet and hands) occurs on darker skinned individuals.  But even then, your description doesn't scream melanoma but some benign barnacle.  I literally had a hardish round thing with a sunken center for years.  I picked at it and don't even remember what finally happened but it isn't there any longer. Never once did I consider melanoma.


                  Thank you for your response ๐Ÿ™‚ I found another post on this forum that was the closest to what I experienced and the people were saying seborrheic keratosis but I don’t know


                    Can't say I've heard of a SK on the foot but who knows.  I have many of them.  I keep getting new ones and it drives me nuts.  Just saying again that there are plenty of benign things that are more likely on your foot, but show a derm when you finally see one.  I wouldn't waste any sleep on worrying, though. 


                    If you are concerned, I think the best thing you could do would be to make an appointment with a Dermatologist. No one on an online forum can say with complete confidence that there is, or isn’t anything to worry about. 

                    Please keep us posted!


                        Don’t worry, I’m going to a dermatologist no matter what. I will keep you updated though ๐Ÿ™‚

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