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@ MDA – Decision Time!

Forums General Melanoma Community @ MDA – Decision Time!

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      Labs, Full CT & Brain MRI on the menu for today. Meet w/ the Team, tomorrow to discuss known (kidney tumor) & unknown. Hoping nothing else turns up, though I've had a 1" hard lump behind my left nipple, since the beginning of May & am still recovering from prostate surgery, early April. That recovery has been surprisingly difficult, even though I'm now 9 weeks out. I'm pretty sure I've developed another UTI (ugh!) but the doctors here were kind enough to order a urinalysis & save me from waitning another 2 weeks, before my appointment w/ the urologist back home.

      Per Celeste, I'll definitely push for a neoadjuvant approach, especially if any vagary exists about the exact nature (RCC or Mel?) of the kidney tumor … it's at least worth a try & may stave off surgery, at least for a while. Like most of you, I'm sure, I've had more than enough of that 😉

      Anyone in town? If so, it would be great to connect. Please, let me know & take care, everyone!


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          Hope your day goes as well as possible and you get lots of good information/news and come away with a plan that works for you!!!  Hang in there!  Celeste


            Hey Jagstter! If I was in Houston I'd love to connect but alas next treatment is still about 2 weeks out. Who are your docs down there? I have Ross and Amaria, both very solid but I think its hard to go wrong at MDA. Hope everything goes smoothly today and they have a great plan for you. Warrior On!



              Good luck today. My husband is treated at MD Anderson, we were there last week for his second infusion of Opdivo. He is doing well and we both feel great about his treatment plan. You are in a Good hands, but I'm sure you know that. 

                Just missed you. My husband and I flew home last night. Would have been nice to meet. Good luck to you!

                  Wishing you all the best. I just returned from a week of consult appts at MDA. Met with oncologist, Dr. Isabella Glitza, and neurosurgeon, Dr. Sherise Ferguson. Impressed  with both. Will be returning for treatment (IL2) for leptomeningeal disease. 


                    Wishing you all the best. I just returned from a week of consult appts at MDA. Met with oncologist, Dr. Isabella Glitza, and neurosurgeon, Dr. Sherise Ferguson. Impressed  with both. Will be returning for treatment (IL2) for leptomeningeal disease. 


                      Hello Everyone!

                      My sincere thanks, for the well wishes & encouragement offered … I am very grateful! Last week was a bit of a whirlwind & I'm still awaiting more info from the results. In the meantime, here's a quick update:

                      New cancer @ right ear helix – biopsied & pending pathology, in a week or so. Tissue frozen (ouch!) @ forehead – tbd. Left breast tumor observed on CT, yet still requires mammogram, ultrasound & potentially, a core biopsy. MDA couldn't schedule before we left, so Dr. Joudeh (a local oncologist) will conduct the tests, Wednesday. Outcome & strategy will be pending results. MDA’s Tumor Board meets, today & will offer their recommendations re: right kidney tumor. MAYO & local urologist both recommend nephrectomy but I am hopeful for a neo-adjuvant approach before diving into radical surgery. Dr. Amaria concurred & I was pleasantly surprised! In fact, I was encouraged by a sense of advocacy I wasn't sure I'd get.

                      Finally, (1) .8 CM hilar pulmonary nodule was noted but no formal assessment was given of its etiology. I'm not sure if it is a hold-out from last year's pulmonary infection or something new. Even Dr. Amaria lamented the variability & vagary sometimes accompanying the radiologist's assessments. You all know the drill; standard protocol is watch & rescan for change or resolution … sigh. Unfortunately I still have no results from the Brain MRI, yet. My portal app (MyChart) only yesterday showed the results from bloodwoork, so they are a bit slow to update. Hopefully, no news is good news, LOL 😉

                      A belated Happy Father's Day to my fellow Dad's & keep up the good fight, Everyone!


                          Man!!!  You just can't keep it simple can you, buddy??!!!  HA!  Bless your heart.  Hang tough.  Despite the new crappola, there seems to be a future treatment consensus!!  All fingers crossed for good news to come.  Keep us posted.  Hugs!  celeste 

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