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Is anyone using medical marijuana for pain?

Forums General Melanoma Community Is anyone using medical marijuana for pain?

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    Rita and Charles

      I think that I must be crazy asking this question…I'm super straight, but my husband has chronic pain  from broken back, leg, etc – struffling for yearsm and it seems like the BRAF combo had amplified it.  He can no longer walk our dog and we are so happy that the combo is shrinking the tumors but life is still filled with pain. 



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          In my case, the most pain I have had to deal with was post-surgical. I did use marijuana to deal with it. My surgeon prescribed Vicodin, but it only dulled, didn't get rid of the pain, and my wife said it made me act like an a**hole.

          I live in a medical marijuana state….sort of. The law is on the books, but there are no dispensaries, or any legal way to obtain it. But I got some, and used it for pain. It got rid of my pain…completely.

          In addition to the benefits as a pain reliever, the National Cancer Institute says that cannabinoids could actually treat some cancers. I'm a big advocate for marijuana. If you can get some, put away the narcotic pain relivers and use it!

          Best wishes to you.


            Rita and Charles

              THANKS Bill, really appreciate it. Actualy there are dispensaries where I live, and I mentioned to a friend how bad Charles was and her best friend actually runs one……strange how things connect. Its a funny we fell down a cancer rabbit hole 3 months ago – meds, hope, scans, stories, sickness, hope, PET….. a roller coaster.  I guess adding pot makes it even more surreal.

              Thanks again,




                If you can get it check out this site it is about Rick Simpson and the oil he uses for cancer.  It is not legal in my state but who knows that may change after the Nov. ballot.



                  If you can get it check out this site it is about Rick Simpson and the oil he uses for cancer.  It is not legal in my state but who knows that may change after the Nov. ballot.



                    If you can get it check out this site it is about Rick Simpson and the oil he uses for cancer.  It is not legal in my state but who knows that may change after the Nov. ballot.


                      Yes, I used medical marijuanna for pain and it helped significantly.  It helped me get off of 180mg of morphine per day, 2 different nausea meds, and Xanax for both anxiety and sleep.  I'm a definite believer.  I went to Colorado and purchased many different types of strains on the advice of the "bud-tenders" there and honed in on 2-3 that worked really well for me.  I never smoked enough to be super stoned.  The stuff is pretty strong.  Typically 1-2 puffs does the trick.  Some of the best sleep I've ever had and very relaxing with minimal pain.  I was able to kick all narcotics.


                        Ahhh , yes I am just about to drop out! No more oncologist, clean eating and mmj for pain and as an antidepressant. Kind of fun smoking my way through the gambit untill I find the proper hybrid that covers mood and pain. Give up th ghost… Marijuana is our new cure I truly believe


                          Ahhh , yes I am just about to drop out! No more oncologist, clean eating and mmj for pain and as an antidepressant. Kind of fun smoking my way through the gambit untill I find the proper hybrid that covers mood and pain. Give up th ghost… Marijuana is our new cure I truly believe


                            Ahhh , yes I am just about to drop out! No more oncologist, clean eating and mmj for pain and as an antidepressant. Kind of fun smoking my way through the gambit untill I find the proper hybrid that covers mood and pain. Give up th ghost… Marijuana is our new cure I truly believe


                              Yes, I used medical marijuanna for pain and it helped significantly.  It helped me get off of 180mg of morphine per day, 2 different nausea meds, and Xanax for both anxiety and sleep.  I'm a definite believer.  I went to Colorado and purchased many different types of strains on the advice of the "bud-tenders" there and honed in on 2-3 that worked really well for me.  I never smoked enough to be super stoned.  The stuff is pretty strong.  Typically 1-2 puffs does the trick.  Some of the best sleep I've ever had and very relaxing with minimal pain.  I was able to kick all narcotics.


                                Yes, I used medical marijuanna for pain and it helped significantly.  It helped me get off of 180mg of morphine per day, 2 different nausea meds, and Xanax for both anxiety and sleep.  I'm a definite believer.  I went to Colorado and purchased many different types of strains on the advice of the "bud-tenders" there and honed in on 2-3 that worked really well for me.  I never smoked enough to be super stoned.  The stuff is pretty strong.  Typically 1-2 puffs does the trick.  Some of the best sleep I've ever had and very relaxing with minimal pain.  I was able to kick all narcotics.

                                Rita and Charles

                                  THANKS Bill, really appreciate it. Actualy there are dispensaries where I live, and I mentioned to a friend how bad Charles was and her best friend actually runs one……strange how things connect. Its a funny we fell down a cancer rabbit hole 3 months ago – meds, hope, scans, stories, sickness, hope, PET….. a roller coaster.  I guess adding pot makes it even more surreal.

                                  Thanks again,


                                  Rita and Charles

                                    THANKS Bill, really appreciate it. Actualy there are dispensaries where I live, and I mentioned to a friend how bad Charles was and her best friend actually runs one……strange how things connect. Its a funny we fell down a cancer rabbit hole 3 months ago – meds, hope, scans, stories, sickness, hope, PET….. a roller coaster.  I guess adding pot makes it even more surreal.

                                    Thanks again,



                                    In my case, the most pain I have had to deal with was post-surgical. I did use marijuana to deal with it. My surgeon prescribed Vicodin, but it only dulled, didn't get rid of the pain, and my wife said it made me act like an a**hole.

                                    I live in a medical marijuana state….sort of. The law is on the books, but there are no dispensaries, or any legal way to obtain it. But I got some, and used it for pain. It got rid of my pain…completely.

                                    In addition to the benefits as a pain reliever, the National Cancer Institute says that cannabinoids could actually treat some cancers. I'm a big advocate for marijuana. If you can get some, put away the narcotic pain relivers and use it!

                                    Best wishes to you.



                                      In my case, the most pain I have had to deal with was post-surgical. I did use marijuana to deal with it. My surgeon prescribed Vicodin, but it only dulled, didn't get rid of the pain, and my wife said it made me act like an a**hole.

                                      I live in a medical marijuana state….sort of. The law is on the books, but there are no dispensaries, or any legal way to obtain it. But I got some, and used it for pain. It got rid of my pain…completely.

                                      In addition to the benefits as a pain reliever, the National Cancer Institute says that cannabinoids could actually treat some cancers. I'm a big advocate for marijuana. If you can get some, put away the narcotic pain relivers and use it!

                                      Best wishes to you.


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