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Help with pathology report

Forums Cutaneous Melanoma Community Help with pathology report

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      I just got my pathology report from a mole that recently developed a dark spot within it (during pregnancy, if that’s relevant). It was officially diagnosed as a junctional spitz nevus in a special site.

      After reading about the spitz nevus, I became worried since they normally occur in children and are often very similar to melanomas.

      My doctor told me it was benign but recommended getting it excised with 2 mm borders which I plan to do. I’m thinking about getting a second opinion on it from another pathologist just to be sure.

      In the meantime, I was wondering if anyone could help out with the pathology report to see if it sounds like melanoma was confidently excluded. Everything I read about the Spitz nevus and the sudden change in the mole made me very anxious. Thanks!

      There are sharply demarcated nests of large spindle and epithelioid melanocytes confined to the epidermis which shows hyperkeratosis, hypergranulosis, and hyperplasia. These nests are relatively uniform in size amd shape, and vertically oriented. A lymphohistiocytic perivascular infiltrate, dilated blood vessels, and edema of the papillary dermis are noted. Additionally, significant loss of P16 expression is not noted throughout the melanocytic population, a reassuring feature. An MITF immunostain is done and no significant upward spread of melanocytes is identified. Multiple deeper sections were studied.

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          I'm not qualified to speak to the pathology report, but the approach seems sound given what you've described.

          If you're confident the facility doing the evaluation is competent, you're probably fine but it never hurts to get a second opinion.  

          Where are you located?

              I’m in Indianapolis. I do like the doctor in general, but I figured the second opinion wouldn’t hurt.
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