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Forums Caregiver Community Cancerversary!

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      I don't post on here very often, but since today I am one year cancer free, I thought it might be encouraging to others who are newly diagnosed. One year ago today, I had surgery to remove the lymph nodes under my left arm (this was about one year after I'd had my original excision and lymph node biopsy which came back all clear at the time). Everything was so uncertain, words like immunotherapy, adjuvant therapy, radiation, interferon, clinical trial were all being thrown around and I didn't like any of it! 

      I don't post on here very often, but since today I am one year cancer free, I thought it might be encouraging to others who are newly diagnosed. One year ago today, I had surgery to remove the lymph nodes under my left arm (this was about one year after I'd had my original excision and lymph node biopsy which came back all clear at the time). Everything was so uncertain, words like immunotherapy, adjuvant therapy, radiation, interferon, clinical trial were all being thrown around and I didn't like any of it! 

      Cut to one year later, I'm in a clinical trial, being the guinea pig that I didn't want to be, and doing very well! I won't go in to the entire story here, but there's info on my profile and on my blog which is below. The very first entry of my blog is the basic background to my little story.

      I want you guys to know that I pray for all of you every day, wherever you are in your journey, whether a patient or caregiver, some of you by name even though I've never interacted with you. I am blessed and encouraged by the support I see on here on a daily basis. 

      My best advice to you who are newly diagnosed is to be vigilant in your follow up care (I have plenty of complaints about my original dermatologist, but if she hadn't checked my lymph nodes at every follow up appointment, we might not have caught the cancer in the nodes as quickly) and if you have questions, ASK!! Other than that, dont' spend your life worrying about what "might" happen, and don't hide inside in a dark room, enjoy your life. Hats, sunscreen and UPF clothing were made for a reason!

      Love, hugs, peace and prayers to you all 🙂


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          Thanks Melissa for your post, always a bonus to hear encouraging news from  others on the battle front!  I too read the posts on MPIP daily and have kept all these brave warriors in my heart, mind, in positive thought and prayer although I don't post often.  We all feel the ups and downs of this disease and appreciate those who post good and positive news and grieve with those who are not as fortunate.  I like your advice….. I'm stage IV and I continue to live life to the fullest while I can….I try to do everything I am invited to do and think of a few adventures on my own!  God Bless and continue doing what you love!



            Thanks Melissa for your post, always a bonus to hear encouraging news from  others on the battle front!  I too read the posts on MPIP daily and have kept all these brave warriors in my heart, mind, in positive thought and prayer although I don't post often.  We all feel the ups and downs of this disease and appreciate those who post good and positive news and grieve with those who are not as fortunate.  I like your advice….. I'm stage IV and I continue to live life to the fullest while I can….I try to do everything I am invited to do and think of a few adventures on my own!  God Bless and continue doing what you love!



              Thanks Melissa for your post, always a bonus to hear encouraging news from  others on the battle front!  I too read the posts on MPIP daily and have kept all these brave warriors in my heart, mind, in positive thought and prayer although I don't post often.  We all feel the ups and downs of this disease and appreciate those who post good and positive news and grieve with those who are not as fortunate.  I like your advice….. I'm stage IV and I continue to live life to the fullest while I can….I try to do everything I am invited to do and think of a few adventures on my own!  God Bless and continue doing what you love!



                Thanks Swanee! You summed it up perfectly, we appreciate the good news and grieve alongside those with bad news. It's not a club anyone would want to join, but I think we've all done pretty well with the hand that we were dealt. Have a very blessed day!




                  Thanks Swanee! You summed it up perfectly, we appreciate the good news and grieve alongside those with bad news. It's not a club anyone would want to join, but I think we've all done pretty well with the hand that we were dealt. Have a very blessed day!




                    Thanks Swanee! You summed it up perfectly, we appreciate the good news and grieve alongside those with bad news. It's not a club anyone would want to join, but I think we've all done pretty well with the hand that we were dealt. Have a very blessed day!



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