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Braf+=What order in treatment?

Forums General Melanoma Community Braf+=What order in treatment?

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      Hello Everyone,


      My husband was diagnosed in Nov 2010, Since then he had a Recurrance on his calf in June 2011 and a full LND where he had 3/19 nodes

      positive for Melanoma. He has had no treatment as of yet. We have been blessed with clean scans since then. In the event it comes back I

      was wondering if we should do Yervoy first followed by Zelborof or the other way around. Just looking for some other opinions.


      Thank God for this board.



      Hello Everyone,


      My husband was diagnosed in Nov 2010, Since then he had a Recurrance on his calf in June 2011 and a full LND where he had 3/19 nodes

      positive for Melanoma. He has had no treatment as of yet. We have been blessed with clean scans since then. In the event it comes back I

      was wondering if we should do Yervoy first followed by Zelborof or the other way around. Just looking for some other opinions.


      Thank God for this board.



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    • Replies
        Just want to let you know I made the decision to start with with IPI made 3 doses base on my beginning strength by infusion 3 I was pretty wiped so we moved to Zelboraf l for8 months and then back to IPI for.4 infidsions just stopped zelboraraf after just about 9 months on June 12, 2012″. I had ct and MRI yesterday I will get my results tomorrow.


        Just want to let you know I made the decision to start with with IPI made 3 doses base on my beginning strength by infusion 3 I was pretty wiped so we moved to Zelboraf l for8 months and then back to IPI for.4 infidsions just stopped zelboraraf after just about 9 months on June 12, 2012″. I had ct and MRI yesterday I will get my results tomorrow.


        Just want to let you know I made the decision to start with with IPI made 3 doses base on my beginning strength by infusion 3 I was pretty wiped so we moved to Zelboraf l for8 months and then back to IPI for.4 infidsions just stopped zelboraraf after just about 9 months on June 12, 2012″. I had ct and MRI yesterday I will get my results tomorrow.


        Just want to let you know I made the decision to start with with IPI made 3 doses base on my beginning strength by infusion 3 I was pretty wiped so we moved to Zelboraf l for8 months and then back to IPI for.4 infidsions just stopped zelboraraf after just about 9 months on June 12, 2012″. I had ct and MRI yesterday I will get my results tomorrow.


        Just want to let you know I made the decision to start with with IPI made 3 doses base on my beginning strength by infusion 3 I was pretty wiped so we moved to Zelboraf l for8 months and then back to IPI for.4 infidsions just stopped zelboraraf after just about 9 months on June 12, 2012″. I had ct and MRI yesterday I will get my results tomorrow.


        Just want to let you know I made the decision to start with with IPI made 3 doses base on my beginning strength by infusion 3 I was pretty wiped so we moved to Zelboraf l for8 months and then back to IPI for.4 infidsions just stopped zelboraraf after just about 9 months on June 12, 2012″. I had ct and MRI yesterday I will get my results tomorrow.



          Hi, Jewel. I became stage 4 this passed December.  Before deciding on a treatment, my onc wanted to be sure he didn't start me on anything that would "burn bridges" for future treatment.  He decided on Yervoy, which I completed in March.  Indications are that it greatly reduced my lung mets but I've developed new brain mets.  My June/July scans will determine next steps but it will either be re-induction of Yervoy or starting Zelboraf.   So at least from my oncs perspective, Yervoy doesn't prohibit use of Zelboraf in the future.  ( I am BRAF positive)  Best of luck in whatever treatment schedule you and your husband decide on

          FrankD Brooklyn


            Hi, Jewel. I became stage 4 this passed December.  Before deciding on a treatment, my onc wanted to be sure he didn't start me on anything that would "burn bridges" for future treatment.  He decided on Yervoy, which I completed in March.  Indications are that it greatly reduced my lung mets but I've developed new brain mets.  My June/July scans will determine next steps but it will either be re-induction of Yervoy or starting Zelboraf.   So at least from my oncs perspective, Yervoy doesn't prohibit use of Zelboraf in the future.  ( I am BRAF positive)  Best of luck in whatever treatment schedule you and your husband decide on

            FrankD Brooklyn


              Hi, Jewel. I became stage 4 this passed December.  Before deciding on a treatment, my onc wanted to be sure he didn't start me on anything that would "burn bridges" for future treatment.  He decided on Yervoy, which I completed in March.  Indications are that it greatly reduced my lung mets but I've developed new brain mets.  My June/July scans will determine next steps but it will either be re-induction of Yervoy or starting Zelboraf.   So at least from my oncs perspective, Yervoy doesn't prohibit use of Zelboraf in the future.  ( I am BRAF positive)  Best of luck in whatever treatment schedule you and your husband decide on

              FrankD Brooklyn

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