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14 year old child needs recomendation

Forums Cutaneous Melanoma Community 14 year old child needs recomendation

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      Hello I’m Lorenzo and have a son 14 years old. We suspect in a very light way he could have a melanoma. The mole is In the arm
      3 years ago, a brown mole he had become reddish. After this. Within a little months it become white. 3 years has passed and the mole has stayed white but he didn’t tell us. He was 11 years old and didn’t told about it. It is 4mm and symmetrical. However, when his arm is extended a line comes out of the mole. Thus line makes it asymmetrical when it’s extended. There’s nothing bad looking in the white-skin colored mole, only that if you look very hardly, you can see a very light dot in the center. We need some recommendations. Pediatrics doesn’t suspect of melanoma. Thanks for your help
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          You can always ask your pediatrician for a dermatology referral if you are concerned.  I wish you and your son well.  Celeste

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