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Re: Recurrences with brain mets from BRAF/MEK Drugs?

Forums General Melanoma Community Recurrences with brain mets from BRAF/MEK Drugs? Re: Recurrences with brain mets from BRAF/MEK Drugs?


      It is too early to understand the relationship between working inhibitors and subsequent brain mets. The trials are too recent. But what little information we have, both from patients here and other sources, suggests that many people who have met with initial success on the Braf, develop brain mets some time later. The obvious reason would be that current inhibitor drugs don’t yet work in this area. What I find particularly disturbing is the possibility that inhibiting the spread of melanoma in one area might inadvertently increase the chances of it spreading to another, in this  case to the brain or CNS generally.  The melanoma wants to spread, so it finds a way. I am sure researchers will find a solution, some version of inhibitor that works in the CNS areas as well as everywhere else.

      In the meanwhile, people who are Braf or Mek positive should still see the inhibitors as a good option for them, as it may buy them significant time while the research advances. Every treatment has risks, and any patient on any treatment, not just inhibitors, might eventually see spread to the brain. Brain mets can be treated, and patients can move on to IPI or something else. It’s always a crap shot, but there is always hope.

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