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Re: Interferon Alpha Treatment

Forums General Melanoma Community Interferon Alpha Treatment Re: Interferon Alpha Treatment


      This is the second time I have been diagnosed. First surgery was done with clear margins and a SLN biopsy on left and right chest with nothing showing up. Now 4 years later the beast raises his ugly head again.

      I had surgery to get clean margins on right breast and they stripped lymph nodes on left side due to finding melanoma there. I went through 1 month of treatment intravenously through my port they put in. I am starting my 3rd month of home doses. Side efffects appear to be getting better except for restlessness, anxiety. The first month side effects were dry mouth, nausea, rash, chills, aches, pains, headaches, some hair loss, no appetitie, weakness in legs, etc. Second month was just about the same. Some days I would sleep 12 – 15 hours. Blood count went down so had to take a Procrit injection, last count was up. I am not able to work due to the weakness in my legs, walking and stairs are troublesome. My dosage is 16 miu injection 3 times a week which I was told was based on my weight. I haven't had any trouble with my eyes since the month of intravenously. Not a good idea to drive during that time but now I can drive. This bullentin board really helps with all talking and finding out what we can expect, sharing tips and praying for each other.


      Kathy in Kentucky

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