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Re: Interferon Alpha Treatment

Forums General Melanoma Community Interferon Alpha Treatment Re: Interferon Alpha Treatment


      I am currently on the home doses.  I completed 3 weeks at high dose and had eye problems.  Blurred vision, cloudy rooms, nights at night became starie…Its pretty scarry when you have always been 20/20.  I knew it could be a side effect from the med but less than 5% have it.  Of course that is me.  I am stage 3B, no known primary, landed in my groin, got it out and them surgery to take out everything around it.  They were so worried they took 28 of my lympe nodes all negative.  I decided to do the interferon because of the metasis to the lympe node even though all others were not.  I didn't have too much problem with those high doses, mostly headaches….I was curious how you did throughout the year?  I just did my first home dose yesterday and didn't do very well with it?  I dont think I can do it for 11 months.  And I am worried about my eyes, it never went away, the eye clinic didn't find any medical damage, hemorrages or retinal issues?  As far as your question, my dr said he is not scanning me for 6 months after starting treatment.  Thank you and good luck on your scan when they do it….Tersia, Indiana

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