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Lalaloopsy racism

Forums General Melanoma Community Lalaloopsy racism

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        John, it kinda creeps me out that you are posting about dolls. Why you would know this, and why you would post  about it, will haunt me. Luckily, my bathroom renovation starts today, so maybe the noise will drown out these thoughts.

        Can't believe Bill hasn't jumped your ass about this.


            Sorry LV, couldn't help it, Merry somehow fell into the "must get my nieces a lalaloopsy doll (not like her at all but whatever) was looking online for them and then there she was all alone.  We burst out laughing we listen to podcasts of this American life, and they told this whole story one time of a girl who worked in retail during the cabbage patch doll craze.  I forget the heirarchy of demand for crap like this, but in the end, the whole "nursery" was full of black cabbage patch dolls.  People would stop in and act all offended, asking the salesgirl if it were a sick joke or something.  They had a defective cabbage patch doll that they used as a sickly/retarded cabbage patch doll.  Mothers asked for this one first.  Once that one was gone, they started yelling at her for not having any cabbage patch dolls.

            People are crazy.

            Needless to say, we bought our nieces a Dot Starlight each.

            And quit bashing gays with terms like "Can't believe Bill hasn't jumped your ass about this"


              Oh sorry here is the exact episode.  


              Don't worry it is an officially NPR sanitized show,you aren't likely to be offended.  I promise.

              Bonnie Lea

                boy… I what or what??  What is NPR.  No wonder I felt I could never ever fit in when you guys were all DSers.  I would stand out like a big wart on a cabbage patch kid.  We have three  (well one is a imitation, due to financial restraints at the time of the phase of CP dolls.  But eventually (after the need haha)  we have two real ones,  Amy (ya ya that is her name) and Larry.   the phony delicate one, is called Lisa.  Funny I was just trying to fall clean my closet.  Found them sitting on a shelf, and stashed them in hubbys closet…wonder if he will notice.


                are those Lalaoopsy dolls something that cause a stir?  like when transformers first came out (mid  or early 80's)  and I lined up to pay $25.00 for one for my son.  (I cleaned a neighbours house to earn that money)  so when I had to line up and my turn came THEY WERE GONE.  that was when we in Canada had K.Mart.


                I will never forget watching other people scream at each other and push and shove and butt into line, and there I was being me.  patient, quiet, smiley and totally unaware of what was in store for me, when I actually got in the doors of the store on "the day"

                My brother who lived in Japan ended up sending our boy one, when I splained my problem.  So a Canadian in Japan helped Santa that year.

                sigh………… my kiddies this year…. what?  sheets, boy wants a bread maker and pots and pans.  (bhis soon to be ex took them back with her)  dotter wants, wall mount kit for her TV.  Poor Santa.   But hubby requested a larger 5 inch screen DS which I got with Air Miles.  whahoo.  (just hope it comes before Christmas)  kitties will get a treat as well.  and Santa is brining me some CHOCOLATE!

                Bonnie Lea

                  boy… I what or what??  What is NPR.  No wonder I felt I could never ever fit in when you guys were all DSers.  I would stand out like a big wart on a cabbage patch kid.  We have three  (well one is a imitation, due to financial restraints at the time of the phase of CP dolls.  But eventually (after the need haha)  we have two real ones,  Amy (ya ya that is her name) and Larry.   the phony delicate one, is called Lisa.  Funny I was just trying to fall clean my closet.  Found them sitting on a shelf, and stashed them in hubbys closet…wonder if he will notice.


                  are those Lalaoopsy dolls something that cause a stir?  like when transformers first came out (mid  or early 80's)  and I lined up to pay $25.00 for one for my son.  (I cleaned a neighbours house to earn that money)  so when I had to line up and my turn came THEY WERE GONE.  that was when we in Canada had K.Mart.


                  I will never forget watching other people scream at each other and push and shove and butt into line, and there I was being me.  patient, quiet, smiley and totally unaware of what was in store for me, when I actually got in the doors of the store on "the day"

                  My brother who lived in Japan ended up sending our boy one, when I splained my problem.  So a Canadian in Japan helped Santa that year.

                  sigh………… my kiddies this year…. what?  sheets, boy wants a bread maker and pots and pans.  (bhis soon to be ex took them back with her)  dotter wants, wall mount kit for her TV.  Poor Santa.   But hubby requested a larger 5 inch screen DS which I got with Air Miles.  whahoo.  (just hope it comes before Christmas)  kitties will get a treat as well.  and Santa is brining me some CHOCOLATE!


                    Oh sorry here is the exact episode.  


                    Don't worry it is an officially NPR sanitized show,you aren't likely to be offended.  I promise.


                      Sorry LV, couldn't help it, Merry somehow fell into the "must get my nieces a lalaloopsy doll (not like her at all but whatever) was looking online for them and then there she was all alone.  We burst out laughing we listen to podcasts of this American life, and they told this whole story one time of a girl who worked in retail during the cabbage patch doll craze.  I forget the heirarchy of demand for crap like this, but in the end, the whole "nursery" was full of black cabbage patch dolls.  People would stop in and act all offended, asking the salesgirl if it were a sick joke or something.  They had a defective cabbage patch doll that they used as a sickly/retarded cabbage patch doll.  Mothers asked for this one first.  Once that one was gone, they started yelling at her for not having any cabbage patch dolls.

                      People are crazy.

                      Needless to say, we bought our nieces a Dot Starlight each.

                      And quit bashing gays with terms like "Can't believe Bill hasn't jumped your ass about this"


                      John, it kinda creeps me out that you are posting about dolls. Why you would know this, and why you would post  about it, will haunt me. Luckily, my bathroom renovation starts today, so maybe the noise will drown out these thoughts.

                      Can't believe Bill hasn't jumped your ass about this.


                        Should'a bought 'em barbies!! *rolling eyes*


                          Should'a bought 'em barbies!! *rolling eyes*

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