The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Content within the patient forum is user-generated and has not been reviewed by medical professionals. Other sections of the Melanoma Research Foundation website include information that has been reviewed by medical professionals as appropriate. All medical decisions should be made in consultation with your doctor or other qualified medical professional.


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        Hi – here's my story with melanoma in situ:

        Three years ago, I noticed a newish mole above my right elbow and was concerened about its size (around the size of a pencil eraser). When I saw the PA at my dermatology office, I pointed out the mole and she initially didn't state that we should biopsy it. She basically left it up to me since it was "borderline" in size. I fervently asked her to biopsy it and it turned out to be Stage 0 melanoma in situ. Needless to say, I no longer see this PA. The dermatologist performed the surgery and my margins were clear.

        Just this past week, I saw my dermatologist for my 6 month skin check and directed her to an asymmetrical mole on my arm, just above where my original melanoma was. She biopsied it and it was on the spectrum between benign and melanoma in situ. Just had my second surgery this week. My point is that we need to be vigilant about our own health as patients and carefully examine our bodies regularly and definitely get skin checks frequently. 

        It is definitely stressful living as a melanoma survivor since we never know if we'll get another melanoma and there's a decent chance we will. So thankful I found this forum.


          Hi – here's my story with melanoma in situ:

          Three years ago, I noticed a newish mole above my right elbow and was concerened about its size (around the size of a pencil eraser). When I saw the PA at my dermatology office, I pointed out the mole and she initially didn't state that we should biopsy it. She basically left it up to me since it was "borderline" in size. I fervently asked her to biopsy it and it turned out to be Stage 0 melanoma in situ. Needless to say, I no longer see this PA. The dermatologist performed the surgery and my margins were clear.

          Just this past week, I saw my dermatologist for my 6 month skin check and directed her to an asymmetrical mole on my arm, just above where my original melanoma was. She biopsied it and it was on the spectrum between benign and melanoma in situ. Just had my second surgery this week. My point is that we need to be vigilant about our own health as patients and carefully examine our bodies regularly and definitely get skin checks frequently. 

          It is definitely stressful living as a melanoma survivor since we never know if we'll get another melanoma and there's a decent chance we will. So thankful I found this forum.


            Hi – here's my story with melanoma in situ:

            Three years ago, I noticed a newish mole above my right elbow and was concerened about its size (around the size of a pencil eraser). When I saw the PA at my dermatology office, I pointed out the mole and she initially didn't state that we should biopsy it. She basically left it up to me since it was "borderline" in size. I fervently asked her to biopsy it and it turned out to be Stage 0 melanoma in situ. Needless to say, I no longer see this PA. The dermatologist performed the surgery and my margins were clear.

            Just this past week, I saw my dermatologist for my 6 month skin check and directed her to an asymmetrical mole on my arm, just above where my original melanoma was. She biopsied it and it was on the spectrum between benign and melanoma in situ. Just had my second surgery this week. My point is that we need to be vigilant about our own health as patients and carefully examine our bodies regularly and definitely get skin checks frequently. 

            It is definitely stressful living as a melanoma survivor since we never know if we'll get another melanoma and there's a decent chance we will. So thankful I found this forum.

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