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Lauren Maisy

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Why are premium CBD product boxes necessary for your brand? 

CBD is one of the most popular pain relievers and wellness products in the industry. It has grown widely, especially during the past two years after the legalization of using cannabidiol. Many companies have come forth with CBD-infused products. But the critical ingredient they have is CBD product boxes.

It requires a lot of effort to extract CBD essentials from plants and use them in products. You must use quality packaging if you are also considering introducing your brand in the market. CBD products require money and time for quality making. There must be quality packaging to market your products. The packaging does your branding and gains customers’ trust to purchase your products. 

You might be thinking about where to get premium CBD packaging. We are a packaging designing and printing company to make exclusive CBD boxes for you. You can have customized boxes at a single call. Our experienced staff and designing team satisfies all your packaging and branding requirements.

Quality packaging

With custom CBD products, you need quality packaging. It makes sure that the products reach your customers safely. Different CBD products like CBD oils, edibles, vape, cream and hemp extracts need separate packaging. The packaging company’s responsibility is to guide you about suitable materials and designs to make your products unique. CBD boxes’ primary purpose is to maintain your items’ freshness.

Diversity in designing

Boxes with a unique and eye-catching look always attract potential customers. The packaging companies should allow the clients to make all the decisions regarding packaging themselves. 

Style of boxes

The packaging must satisfy you in the best way possible. As a result, you can have tuck end boxes, two-piece boxes, display boxes, dispenser boxes, mailer boxes, and seal end boxes. 

  • The tuck-end boxes are suitable for food, serums, and beverage products.

  • 1 2 3 bottom boxes are sealed at the bottom.

  • Auto-lock bottom box style is perfect for serum and CBD oils. 

  • Two-piece boxes are perfect for vape and E-cigarettes. 

  • Display boxes are an example of perfect die-cutting. They enable the customers to see your products. It is suitable for CBD edibles. You can have a double wall display, double wall locked lid, or auto bottom display with a cover.

  • Mailer boxes have an overlapping flap. They are double-walled front tuck-end boxes.


You can choose the material depending on your CBD product boxes packaging requirements. There are multiple options.

  1. Cardstock paper which is about 12pt and is suitable for lightweight packaging.

  2. Kraft that is an eco-friendly material and has a thickness of 12 to 14pt.

  3. Corrugated material has flute sheets with a thickness of 0.6mm to 5mm. It is ideal for shipment.

  4. Rigid boxes have a thickness of about 32pt. They are best for shipments—more durable and sturdy packaging.

Add-ons and inserts

Moreover, to give your boxes a unique finish, you can have UV coatings, embossing, debossing, foil stamping and PVC window. You can select a matte or glossy coating as per your choice.

Additionally, the inserts like ribbons, punches, cardstock, foam, and fence to make appealing boxes. 

Vibrant colors and themes

Packaging boxes that have vibrant colors and themes are usually more appealing. But this depends upon the target audience and the market trends. You must be aware of the consumer’s behavior towards certain types of packaging. 

Moreover, there is a CMYK color model and PMS for making separate or dichromatic patterns. The main aim is to bring uniqueness to CBD boxes. The companies print your brand logos on patterned or monochrome backgrounds. 

Unique printing ideas

Printing is what makes the packaging look expensive. We print your brand logos and product information using state-of-the-art technology. The printing team incorporates digital printing, flexographic printing and offset printing. Additionally, you can select any one from all the sizes and styles of fonts.

3D models and prototypes

Design your box, paste your brand logos, and a 3D prototype is ready for your approval. Designing experts make 2D and 3D designs to show you how your packaging will look. Plus, they can also send a prototype. Resultantly, you can inform them about the changes you want, and your customized box is ready.

Green packaging 

Nowadays, people are more inclined toward buying eco-friendly products. It is their responsibility being packaging experts to work using biodegradable materials. Green packaging can help you gain loyal customers by offering a positive mindset.

Wholesale suppliers

With the fast-going market, you must work vigilantly and upgrade your products and packaging. Best companies work at a fast pace to create wholesale CBD boxes in bulk. These are to ensure that your supply never stops. You must ensure that all retailers have your products. It is a competitive marketing strategy to sell effectively. Therefore, we believe in long-term partnerships and bulk projects. You never need to worry about packages.

Why choose us?

The Product Boxes is an ideal solution for all your packaging needs. We provide wholesale CBD boxes at affordable rates. Our services are unique from all the others in the market. The best part is our 24/7 customer support. 

Moreover, our experts love to create what you want. We also have exclusive discounts on bulk orders. Turnaround time is something you can not ignore. We work at a fast pace and deliver your CBD product boxes within 4-5 working days.

Place an order now for free shipping anywhere in the US. We deliver right at your doorstep.

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Lauren Maisy