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        Thank you for your response, how long did it take for the pain to subside after stopping the keytruda?
        We live in Brisbane, Australia, the drug is even newer here than in America, we struggle to get any answers out of any doctors and feel like Mick is a bit of a test dummy for them! Also I haven’t heard of any of the pain medication you have been taking!
        I’ll keep researching and bugging the docs and nurses as what is best to do with Mick.
          Thank you for your response, how long did it take for the pain to subside after stopping the keytruda?
          We live in Brisbane, Australia, the drug is even newer here than in America, we struggle to get any answers out of any doctors and feel like Mick is a bit of a test dummy for them! Also I haven’t heard of any of the pain medication you have been taking!
          I’ll keep researching and bugging the docs and nurses as what is best to do with Mick.
            Thank you for your response, how long did it take for the pain to subside after stopping the keytruda?
            We live in Brisbane, Australia, the drug is even newer here than in America, we struggle to get any answers out of any doctors and feel like Mick is a bit of a test dummy for them! Also I haven’t heard of any of the pain medication you have been taking!
            I’ll keep researching and bugging the docs and nurses as what is best to do with Mick.
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