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WLE Wound Care

Forums Cutaneous Melanoma Community WLE Wound Care

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      Today 5/11/17 my dad had one large excision on his back and bilateral axillary lymph node biopsy. Two moles were excised, he was supposed to have two excisions but the doctor said since they were close enough they did one long excison. The wound on his back was bleeding through the dressing and there is swelling. We figured this is normal, he was afterall cut into. The instructions to go home were to leave the dressing on for 2 days (until ok to shower), remove steri- strips 5 days after surgery, keep any dressing that are on your skin clean and dry. 

      A few quesions ..

      1. The bleeding is normal right?

      2. Since its bleeing through, we should change it? 


      I felt the instuctions are kind of vauge, dont want to do anything wrong or put him at risk for inection. 


      Background: shave biopsy April 17th, path. report April 21, surgery May 11 . 

      Amelanotic Melanoma, Breslow thickness 3.85mm, Clark Level IV, ulceraton present (approx 1mm) 

      Also, the path report says the pathologic stage is : pT3b , does this mean he may be a stage 3? I know they wont know for sure unitl results from the SLNB come back. 

      He has not has any scans done yet. 



      Any input in helpful, Thanks, 



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        I would call the office and ask your specific questions.  My thought would be to yes change the dressing but I'm afraid to do anything without asking the professionals first.  They expect calls and they will be more than happy to answer a few quick questions.

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