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Recently Diagnosed In Situ

Forums Cutaneous Melanoma Community Recently Diagnosed In Situ

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      I went to the dermatologist last week because I developed a lot of new moles during pregnancy. We ended up doing a biopsy on one. I got the results back this week (the dr was on vacation so I received the results via a phone call)—melanoma in Situ (although I’ve been reading that it’s not possible to determine the stage without further testing??) . I’ve been in a panic ever since. My original dermatologist recommended excision along with doing biopsies on several other moles that we were going to watch originally. However, I live in Houston and was able to secure an appointment at the md Anderson melanoma center in another week and a half. The wait is killing me and I don’t know where to turn. I’m mostly concerned that one of my other moles is at a more advanced stage. Sorry to be rambling…I would really appreciate any advice or input…I’m having a hard time navigating so much scary information along with my emotions.
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          I had a melanoma in Situ removed 2 1/2 weeks ago from my nose. I understand that you are scared. That is a normal feeling for this diagnosis. But you have an appointment at a good place already scheduled. I would encourage you to have your medical records and pathology reports (not the summary) forwarded to your doctor at MD Anderson and also get a copy for your own records. Have a list of questions for your doctor. My husband accompanied me to my appointments because sometimes two sets of ears are better than one. I have found this to be a very supportive forum and people will help you here. Just hang in there….you are taking all the right steps and that is all you can do at this point . Take a deep breath and carry on…you are doing great!
          Been there and just did that….
            I had a melanoma in Situ removed 2 1/2 weeks ago from my nose. I understand that you are scared. That is a normal feeling for this diagnosis. But you have an appointment at a good place already scheduled. I would encourage you to have your medical records and pathology reports (not the summary) forwarded to your doctor at MD Anderson and also get a copy for your own records. Have a list of questions for your doctor. My husband accompanied me to my appointments because sometimes two sets of ears are better than one. I have found this to be a very supportive forum and people will help you here. Just hang in there….you are taking all the right steps and that is all you can do at this point . Take a deep breath and carry on…you are doing great!
            Been there and just did that….
              If you can have the actual tissue sent to MDA , do it. They requested tissue from the surgery I had at home. You will be in excellent hands! Try to take comfort in that.
                  Is this something I should try to arrange before my consultation or discuss it then?
                  Yes I agree.
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