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Pathology report…is margins clear?

Forums Cutaneous Melanoma Community Pathology report…is margins clear?

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      Hi. Last week I had a conservative excision to remove the rest of a atypical  mole.  I got the patholgy report back and I was wondering if the margins are all clear? 


      Diagnosis: Surgical Changes

      Gross Discriptin: Received in formation, labeled "right mid upper back", is a 2.8 x1.2 cm elliptical excision specimen of gray-tan skin and subcutaneous tissue. The specimen is inked, serially sectioned and submitted entirely in four cassettes.

      microscope decription: sections show surgical changes without residual nevomelanocytic proliferation. 


      I go back in a week to get the stiches. out. Whats next? 


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    • Replies

          Margins are clear – there is "nothing else" in relation to this lesion.


            Margins are clear – there is "nothing else" in relation to this lesion.


                Thank you Jenner! 


                  Thank you Jenner! 


                    Thank you Jenner! 


                    Margins are clear – there is "nothing else" in relation to this lesion.

                    ed williams

                      Brigette, who gave you the pathologist report ?  If it was a professional, did they not discuss the report with you?  What did they tell you?


                          Yes Ed. The nurse called and said the margins were clear. I have heard other  people on other sites say that they thought their margns were clear only to discover after reading their pathology reports that they weren't. I have a appointment to get my stiches out next week and Im sure she would have confirmed the report. I guess I just needed another conformation that this thing is all gone. 



                            Yes Ed. The nurse called and said the margins were clear. I have heard other  people on other sites say that they thought their margns were clear only to discover after reading their pathology reports that they weren't. I have a appointment to get my stiches out next week and Im sure she would have confirmed the report. I guess I just needed another conformation that this thing is all gone. 



                              Yes Ed. The nurse called and said the margins were clear. I have heard other  people on other sites say that they thought their margns were clear only to discover after reading their pathology reports that they weren't. I have a appointment to get my stiches out next week and Im sure she would have confirmed the report. I guess I just needed another conformation that this thing is all gone. 


                              ed williams

                                I hear you, don't be afraid to ask questions of the medical staff. I was worried about who was giving you the information, not all family doctors having the necessary background with skin cancer to be giving advice. I hope this turns out to be the last time you have to deal with the fear that melanoma can create. Best Wishes Ed

                                ed williams

                                  I hear you, don't be afraid to ask questions of the medical staff. I was worried about who was giving you the information, not all family doctors having the necessary background with skin cancer to be giving advice. I hope this turns out to be the last time you have to deal with the fear that melanoma can create. Best Wishes Ed


                                    Thank you Ed! 


                                      Thank you Ed! 


                                        Thank you Ed! 

                                        ed williams

                                          I hear you, don't be afraid to ask questions of the medical staff. I was worried about who was giving you the information, not all family doctors having the necessary background with skin cancer to be giving advice. I hope this turns out to be the last time you have to deal with the fear that melanoma can create. Best Wishes Ed

                                        ed williams

                                          Brigette, who gave you the pathologist report ?  If it was a professional, did they not discuss the report with you?  What did they tell you?

                                          ed williams

                                            Brigette, who gave you the pathologist report ?  If it was a professional, did they not discuss the report with you?  What did they tell you?

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