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Re: New Board… The Magic is gone

Forums Caregiver Community New Board… The Magic is gone Re: New Board… The Magic is gone

    Bonnie Lea

      Ah Jerry do cheer up.  All good things come to those who wait.  And hey we are all great at waiting aren't we?  Look at how much patience we patients have?  I too find change hard, but accept it as a personal challenge to try to overcome.  I would hate to try to 'splain to someone how to do anything (never could, but now I would never be able to even think about it)  It is way over and beyond me.

      I mourn the loss of old friends posts….sometimes something crops up in my life, when I know someone said it, and now it is gone from old archives.  But new memories are bound to be forged.  I don't like seeing someone state what is obvious that "this has been discussed at length"  of course most everything has, but for me, my memory is not what it used to be, and I cannot find a explanation.  Thank heavens most folks here are ever so patient with everyone.

      Do not wander away Jerry from Cape Cod….we must always strive for that bestus steak, or in my case Lob-ister  (speaking of Lobister)  I saw on the news of a yellow one, caught somewhere around you!  know you would not touch it with a ten foot pole though. hahah


      Bonnie Lea

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