The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Content within the patient forum is user-generated and has not been reviewed by medical professionals. Other sections of the Melanoma Research Foundation website include information that has been reviewed by medical professionals as appropriate. All medical decisions should be made in consultation with your doctor or other qualified medical professional.


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Teleparty, formerly known as Netflix Party, is a browser extension that allows people to watch TV shows and movies together remotely. It synchronizes the playback of content across multiple devices, so everyone can watch and react to the same scenes simultaneously. The extension has gained popularity in recent years, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, as it provides a way for people to socialize and bond over shared interests while maintaining social distancing.

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Initial Diagnosis Month


Initial Diagnosis Year


Stage at Diagnosis

Stage 2

Current Stage

Stage 3