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Re: Question for those who’ve had LND (groin)

Forums General Melanoma Community Question for those who’ve had LND (groin) Re: Question for those who’ve had LND (groin)


      I had the groin lymph node dissection in 2005. I have never gotten all of my normal feeling back in my thigh but a lot of that numbness did go away over time. In terms of permanent loss of feeling for me it's fairly mild whereas the initial loss was severe. That feeling he described in terms of pulling back is something else that was much more severe at first but is milder over time. I had a lot of problems after my groin dissection and have had some long terms issues. In my case I think I tried to be too active too fast. It is good to do some walking so the nerves find the new pathways but better not  to overdo it, particularly at first. The leg should be elevated (above heart level) at night when resting, watching TV etc. This will help with lymphedema. Some lyphedema post surgery happens to most people but the long term permanent kind is something to try to avoid by keeping leg elevated. I do have lymphedema (fluid that backs up in leg and sometimes down to foot) but not too severe.  If you click here for the Roswell Park Handbook they have information on lymphedema prevention and other topics related to groin dissection. Best of luck, Carver

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