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Re: Question for those who’ve had LND (groin)

Forums General Melanoma Community Question for those who’ve had LND (groin) Re: Question for those who’ve had LND (groin)


      Hello Tracy,

      My husband had a LND of the groin and a lower leg excision just below the back of his knee which had to be closed by a skin graph and a hernia repair all in one surgery . My husband did have some issues with straighten out his leg but how much was due to the LND or the Excision or both, I couldn't tell you. I also don't remember how long he had issues with it. Sorry I couldn't be more help with a time frame. If it comes to me I'll let you know.

      We were told prior to the procedure that he could lose some to all feeling in his thigh area. Whatever didn't come back after a year of recovery would not be returning. My husband did get some feeling back not much though, very, very little to be exact. As mentioned by others before Just be careful you don't hit your leg on anything, burn it etc.

      My husband also did suffer from Lymphadema from the surgery. We did have it under control for most of the time. He eventually did need a stocking but we couldn't afford it and insurance wouldn't cover it. It might be worth maybe just making a call to the Dr. and seeing what they say. They might want to meet with him earlier or tell you it is completely normal for this to happen. Better safe then sorry. Best of luck to you both. Take care. Keep me posted on what happens.


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