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Re: Question for those who’ve had LND (groin)

Forums General Melanoma Community Question for those who’ve had LND (groin) Re: Question for those who’ve had LND (groin)


      I had a LND on May 28th of this year on my goin/leg.  At the time, they took out 20 lymph nodes, the primary one was negative so they stopped taking any more.  The doctor did some type of fancy stitch so that he stretched some muscle over the long incision site to avoid having a pocket where the lymph fluid would collect.  They also took out a wider margin on the back of my leg and did a skin graft.

      I was on crutches for a week or two, and then walked with a cane for another week or two.  I did not have a big problem with the LND scar, but more so with the skin graft since it was right next to the bend in my knee.

      I went to physical therapy to get range of motion in my knee.  You may want to have the doctor write up an order for physical therapy on the area so they can show you the proper stretches and exercises to do.

      I started radiation treatment a few weeks ago and that opened up a layer of skin around the LND scar and that hurts when I stretch it, but it was not that bad before the radiation.

      good luck.

      bill stage IIIC.

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