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- August 22, 2010 at 4:07 am
This is always a hard choice to make…which treatment to do & when to do it. My docotor always tells me "brain first, then body". I am 53 and have been in full ballte gear for over a yr now. Just found out I had a brain tumor on June 21 and by July 01 I was having brain surgery, then 2 wks later did 3 saps of the Cyberknife/SRS, then weened off of steroids. Now onto the body. I had a lump under letft arm, then last wk's CT scan found 2 small lesions on left side of back kinda close to other lump by #4 half of rib (that I lost in lung surgery)…so…surgery set for Aug.31….so far scar count is at 27…
Again, IL-2 is rough but she can do it,. I always like the surgery first then go from there, cut those suckers out. She can do it!!!, Love, Sharon in Reno Stage IV