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Re: Oh my :(

Forums General Melanoma Community Oh my :( Re: Oh my :(


      What smileys?   Look at the yellow smiley up there right under the blue REPLY. You click it and then the smiley you want to add…like this one-

      ME ? Elitist? Ha!  Do you mean in the generally accepted definition or as it might relate to certain groups on MPIP? Anything but elitist -I’m just a houswife in Pennsiltucky by way of New Jersey. That alone disqualifies me for the elitism tag ( Now, YAWN…there’s your elitist-a real "silver spoon" fellow). As to the idea one group on the board deserves special consideration over another…nope, sorry, I’m an equal opportunity kind of girl ( I’m a Democrat and it just carries over).

      Of course I think calling people fools or questioning their intellice is snarky and it’s snark of the best kind when it’s return fire !     I WANT SPELL CHECK ( grammar check would be nice too!)

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    The MRF Patient Forum is the oldest and largest online community of people affected by melanoma. It is designed to provide peer support and information to caregivers, patients, family and friends. There is no better place to discuss different parts of your journey with this cancer and find the friends and support resources to make that journey more bearable.

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