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Re: Noticing New Addictions

Forums General Melanoma Community Noticing New Addictions Re: Noticing New Addictions

    Sharon in Reno

      Yes to using food as an addiction. I’ve been out of my mind with eating this pass month and want to blame steroids. I was just thinking, I have never spent so much money on food in one month ever before. I went to lunch with one of my sons today and for the first time in a month I got full and brought home left overs.  I m on the cut down plan with the steroids and hope to be off of them soon.

      I have a stash of pain meds that I keep locked up in my safe…just in case….I did start taking them on a regular basis this past week now that you mention it and i feel a whole lot better. I want to say that I’m still in recovery mode and need them But really I can also say I  want them. So to answer your question honestly…yes ..this past  month  I have been using something in one form or anohter…oh…and I did just start seeing a conselor within the past 2 wks & she gave me Lyrica that is for nerve & bone damage pain. Onco said it wouldn’t hurt me to take it so I am, they are working and I like it…so far.

      Hey…where’s the spell check on this thing? I guess my post are gonna have typos (like the barf I posted earlier, what a bone-head) plz read between the lines:)

      love ya, Sharon in Reno, Stage IV

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