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Re: MM Dr.s in Oregon?

Forums General Melanoma Community MM Dr.s in Oregon? Re: MM Dr.s in Oregon?


      I will second the other post regarding Portland Providence and OHSU. I was initially diagnosed stage III in 2004, progressed to stage IV in 2006, and had various surgeries at OHSU with J. Vetto. LOVE him! I was initially under the oncology care of J. Smith at Portland Providence for all other treatments, but switched over to B. Curdi about 3 years ago. Smith was fine, but we had a difference of opinion in treatment at one point, so I looked at other options and ended up with Curdi. Also LOVE him! I have been NED for over 2.5 years, and believe it was his willingness to listen to my opinion that has kept me cancer free. I have gone through various treatments at Portland Providence including, Interferon, radiation, and IL-2. I have been impressed with the facilities, staff, and level of information on current treatments and research. I have also been to Fred Hutchinson for a consult and second opinion. I didn't feel they could offer much more than my Portland facilities, unless there was a specific trial that was being conducted up there, that was not available down in Portland. FYI, it can be frustrating to get appts. with Curdi. He does tend to book a few months out, but does try to fit people in when it is urgent (this may include new patients, I am not sure). Vetto can also be the same way (notorious for running VERY late for clinic appts., but that is usually because he gets caught in surgery, or is squeezing someone else in for an urgent issue). While scheduling can be challenging, I look at it as they must be good if they are always booked! Best of luck with wherever you decide to move, and best of luck to your husband.

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