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Re: How to keep your immune system up before treatment, BRAF …

Forums General Melanoma Community How to keep your immune system up before treatment, BRAF vs Interleuken 2 Re: How to keep your immune system up before treatment, BRAF …



      I have not been able to stop thinking about you since I read your reply. First of all, I am so sorry for your loss, your husband sounds like he was a quite a fighter.

      I felt like I was hit in the stomach when I read that you had a one year old daughter. I can't imagine how painful it must be to lose your husband at such a young age. I have two children and my daughter was actually born on May 9 of this year.  We found out my mom had tumors on her chest x ray 8 days after her birth and just recently found out it was malignant melanoma. I didn't realize that this disease affects so many young people. Your reply has reminded me of how important my family is and to not take anything for granted.

      My Mom had decided to go with Interleuken 2, she feels it will give her the best chance of survival at this point. I am supporting her decision 100% and will pray that it works for her. She is in extremely good health right now and we plan on spending a lot of time with my kids before she starts the therapy. I told her about your reply and how the BRAF worked for your husband. We are both really worried at this point that she may end up randomized to the decarbazine. I am hoping BRAF will be available to her if the IL 2 should not be effective (fingers crossed it will work).

      I want you to know that you and your daughter are in my thoughts and prayers as well. I hope your daughter will get you through this difficult time (thank God for our children!). My mom was a single parent and is my best friend. I consider myself extremely lucky to have had such a wonderful, strong women as my role model.

      THanks again for your reply


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